Thursday, 27 March 2008

Princesses & Tiaras Conveyor Belt Style

When I originally spoke to Jan at Cinders she was keen to point out that she didn't run a 'conveyor belt' style of bridal shop and I didn't really know what she meant until I went to Confetti Bridal Centre in Wokingham. I suppose the word 'centre' should have given it away really!!

Anyway so there we were all again, this time my niece armed with fruit pastilles and ready to go. I had to do the same thing again but this time I had to do it whilst avoiding the fifteen other brides there that day plus their visitors. Eek. I had my own changing room into which my dresses were magically placed and then we were raring to go...when we got a chance given that everyone is straining to use the mirrors. First one I tried was lovely and simple and mum adored it but a little too simple for me...knowing what I'm like, I need something with a bit more ooompha so it got discarded. I tried on a few more and then tried on one very similar to the 'wow' dress from Cinders and it was very wow here too; I must admit that I looked amazing and my waist was tiny!! So that got put into number one place. I tried a very similar one on, in fact the 'actual wow' one from Cinders made my hips look huge so it got canned! I did try on the 'wow but quirky' one too that I had tried before and it was....okay so it got canned. Finally I tried on what was a late entry in the final three from previously and it actually became the 'wow I feel like a princess' one. So there were two from which to choose and the pressure was on...I think deep down I wanted something that made me feel like I was getting married as opposed to something that I felt sexy in so I made the choice. BAM!

Deposit down, out of the shop....doubts creep in and I spent the whole weekend like that. obsessively surfing the net for pictures to remind me. Painstakingly trying to recreate what i had tried on to try and remember why I chose it over the sexy number and by 8.59am on Monday I had rung the shop and shouted "STOP". The dress got put on hold until I could speak to my sister in law to see if she could come and help with a fresh opinion - a) I couldn't and wouldn't put my sister, mum and niece through that again and b) a fresh pair of eyes is exactly what I needed to make my decision. Off we trundled on Tuesday and I had the whole shop almost to myself - heaven!! I tried it on and....Jane had a tear in her eye! Excellent, just the response I needed and I must admit that I fell in love with myself. I got a wonderful feeling in my tummy and I just wanted to wear it all day. There were some grannies there waiting for their granddaughter and they told me I looked fabulous....and they probably have seen a few brides in their time! So the dress got reordered and all is well with the world.

PS. Jan at Cinders was amazing but sometimes having something on your doorstep just makes all the difference; I would totally recommend her though for all Wiltshire brides.

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