Monday, 10 August 2009

117 Green Tomatoes Hanging on the Wall

It could be more but I gave up counting at 117!!! This year has been a really interesting one re tomatoes - firstly ALL 49 of my seedlings grew - probably something to do with having a propagator and a greenhouse. I managed to palm off some on friends and family but in the end I had to keep 30 plants (five of which only just made it into the garden because my beloved husband couldn't bear to chuck 'em). The plants are split between growbags outside, pots in the greenhouse and the garden itself. Interestingly the ones outside seem to be doing really well especially the Vanessa F1, Beam's Yellow Pear, Roma and Purple Cherokee in the size stakes. Tigerella and Ananas Noire seem to prefer the warmth of the greenhouse although the others are hardly struggling; they just haven't swollen as much.

Outdoor Purple Cherokee.

I am cultivating a wonderful crop of green tomatoes - green beefsteaks, green stripy ones, green slightly different stripy ones, green pear-shaped ones...the list is endless of beautiful green tomatoes.

Lovely green Ananas Noire.

We have had some visitors along the way...

And we've also had the odd crisis - here the bamboo canes had started to rot and collapsed under the weight of the tomatoes. I had to remove a lot of foliage and just hope that there was still connective tissue in the stem!

Happy days have eventually arrived on my birthday when a telephone call came through from my sister declaring a national celebration because...I had a yellow tomato and one turning red...or was it purple??

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