So its the 1st of May, the heating should be off and hopefully the sun should shine more and boost everybody into the lovely summery feeling. Instead it's still really rather chilly, the heating is on and even the nice and last night the toasty fire was filling the living room with a glow of fluffiness and warmth. But "ah ha!", THAT was April so in theory today should be a lovely warm day during which I can whip out my flip flops and embrace that summery feeling. Hmmmm...
The past few days have been a mixture of wedding and plants; wedding at the weekend and gardening in between. At the weekend the beloved and I went to our menu tasting for the Big Day - completely forgot that we would have to try vino plonko, reception drinks and bubbly as well so muggins here volunteered to be the driver. It was lovely being back at the venue; for some reason it reminds me of my childhood home - doesn't really look like it although they were both big and Georgian!
Our venue is very Pride & Prejudice mixed with a dose of Brideshead Revisited. At any moment I expect Mr Darcy (preferably the Colin Firth variety) to come out of the lake (okay a large pond) dripping in water and looking devastatingly handsome. The gorgeous Beloved posed beside it on saturday, not necessarily the same idea but looking good all the same.
The tasting was a great success although in the classic Sweet Pea way I'm now not sure about the started although it was delicious - can a menu be too meaty? Promise no meat in the pud though! We met with the Wedding Co-Ordinator afterwards, Melissa, who is great and super efficient. I do believe that this venue really epitomises the concept of 'you get what you pay for' as the service so far has been fantastic. We must have spent an hour with Melissa doing the initial run through - alot of TBCs at the moment but we have to have those finalised by October. It felt a bit daft saying "I don't know" and "we're not sure" to so many things - do people have all these answers this far in advance? Surely not!! Doing things like this really brings the whole thing back to us and how exciting it is - I find it so easy to forget that it is creeping up on us quite quickly. Eek.
Going to the venue has refired my enthusiasm....well blown a little air on it...and I'm determined to get the florist booked (still can't decide and haven't really been bothered so must do), honeymoon sorted and other big things like transport, BM dress and list of things for the Best Man to take responsibility for....
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