Saturday, 3 May 2008

Successful Day

Today I have a list as long as my arm and I'm going to attempt to photograph as I go; after all who wants to read about me and my life when it is far more interesting to see.

Glorious morning so far and I have achieved a huge amount already this morning. I have come to the conclusion that guerilla style cleaning is the way to go - managed to do the house top to bottom in an hour and feel spectacularly smug about it too. Job done! I am pondering on what we have left in the garden that should really be coming out and it is mainly the leeks, spinach and kale. The leeks will come out today and get eaten alongside a roast chicken courtesy of The Black Farmer...hope it is worth the £7 I paid for it. I had spinach today for breakfast with an egg and fish but the stuff still keeps growing albeit the plants are desparate to bolt, I just keep stopping them. The kale is approximately four feet tall now and really ready to go but there are still leaves and they are still delicious. The sprouting stalks are being subjected to an onslaught of white fly so they really should go but I can't bring myself to do it.....

Later that day....
A most successful day today as I got a whole load of both veggie and non-veggie things done:
Dug up remaining leeks
Hoed the veggie patch
Potted up the peppers and added more soil to the aubergines
Potted up my Yellow Beam toms
Moved the Hebes
Moved the Felton Buddleia
Planted the ferns
Planted out the five for a pound perennials: Geum, Lobelia, Mallow, Achillea and Coreopsis
Thinned out the stachys, dead nettle and sedum
Weeded the cottage garden

Am very pleased with myself.

Now off for a Chinese in preperation of more hard work tomorrow.

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