Tuesday 17 March 2009

Dig Dug

I have a fetish for digging...there...I said it. Maybe I should set up Diggers Anonymous; I'm sure there would be plenty of gardeners out there who would want to join me!! I just love the feeling of turning the soil from grey lumps into soft dark brown loam - fabulous! I started Sunday just gone with a good greenhouse clearout but soon got tired of that so after a quick scrub down of the glass with eco grapefruit kitchen cleanser I got out my spade and started with the potential potato patch. Here is the 2009 potato patch in all (!) it's glory; it was going to be a flower-filled extravaganza but I really don't think I will have time or the money to get it all done so we decided to put potatoes in this year. I think the Beloved decided it for me as I did get carried away with three different types of potato and we don't necessarily have the space for that many given that I got ten in each packet!!

The digging went well and my late summer dig and turf turnover followed by pre-winter dig has worked wonders; what was pretty rubbish lumpy and rooty matter seems to be developing into a fabulously rich soil somewhat akin to fruit cake mix. I read that somewhere recently - if your soil has the consistency and colour of fruit cake then it has to be good...hmm, if only it tasted that nice too :)

Following my Sunday digging I added some well composted horse manure, which I have spread over the majority of the garden patches this year. The veggie patch has responded particularly well to the pre-frosts manure spreading and has transformed from relatively good soil to fantastic light super soil...I hope!! Here it is with that 'ready and waiting for seeds' look that fresh spring soil has...

The only other main event so far has been the erection of the poly tunnels; I decided to buy one this year as they have always sold out of B&Q by the time I think about it as does the fruit netting so I bought both. The poly tunnels are going to be one of this year's experiments, last year's being the bean contest (fun) and the fleece warming the soil (mildly successful but it has now been chomped by some bug or other and is more holier than the Pope). I have planted Chantenay carrots, Chiogga beetroot and baby spinach. Let's see how things progress as ironically as soon as I set up the polytunnels (cut one in half) the weather has turned glorious and somewhat negating the need for the tunnels and their warming capabilities!!!

Oh well here they are anyway...I thought they looked rather professional at least :)

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